Professional Digital Archiving

HT.diVAS® – The multi-tenant capable OAIS solution for the long-term preservation of your digital data.

Why choose HT.diVAS®?


The data is processed in an audit-proof manner. Optionally, the administration and maintenance of digital signatures can be carried out via connected or integrated third-party systems (e.g. for an intermediate archive).


The solution uses a standardized, ISO-based AIP format.


Processes data from different tenants.


Web application that can be operated and accessed from different platforms. No time-consuming installation required on the client computers.


Supports various storage systems (e.g. disks, object storage, tape storage, API-based storage systems).

Scalable & Capable

The solution grows with your requirements. For example, with the increase in data volumes and sizes. We can show the processing of large and extensive amounts of data (>500GB).


Use for quality assurance, intermediate storage and archive, long-term storage and archive.

Fair Costs

Fair license model with calculable prices. The signing of a software maintenance contract guarantees that the software is up-to-date in terms of security and technical progress.

Easy To Integrate

Schnittstellen von und zu Drittsystemen (AFIS etc.)


Processing of various video formats with the option of connecting external, professional systems for quality assurance, transcoding and metadata acquisition.


Processing of various audio formats with the option of connecting external, professional systems for quality assurance, transcoding and metadata acquisition.


Verarbeitung von Containerformaten, insbesondere von elektronischen Akten aus Vorgangs-bearbeitungssystemen (XDOMEA, VIS).

File Collections

Processing of file collections with different file formats, e.g. by reading the data directly from a file share.

Single Files

Processing of individual files of different file formats.

Specialized Procedures

Processing of specialised procedure data from different systems.

... and many more.

Different Types Of Formats

See for yourself!

You will appreciate HT.diVAS ®.

Want to know what HT.diVAS® has to offer? Try it! Please get in contact with us! We would be happy to provide you with online test access for HT.diVAS®.
